Forest Gardening -course in English – 10.6.2023

mennessä | 20.02.2023 | in English, Joel Rosenberg, Kurssit ja koulutus, Tapahtumat

Are you interested in ecological gardening or self-sufficiency? Would you like to learn more about forest gardens, useful plants, perennial vegetables, nut crops or other food producing woody plants?

On the Forest Gardening course at Salmenrannan tila, Laitila you’ll learn with expert and author Joel Rosenberg – and meet like-minded people!

The course begins with a lecture & discussion about the forest gardens’ structure, principles and plant species. The session covers forest gardening examples from Finland and abroad. 

After the lecture we’ll tour the site and it’s 13 years old forest garden and nut growing trials. You’ll gain a lot of information and useful tips for growing tree crops, shrub crops, perennials and ground covers – and hear about the successes and mistakes. Practical design exercises help you to start designing your own forest garden after the course.

More info about the venue here:

The course includes a vegetarian lunch with a salad made from local forest garden ingredients.

The course fee is 85 €. We’ll invoice on May by email (due date 20.5.2023).

Please sign up here: or via website: www.syötävämetsä
We’ll send an email in May to all who register, and provide driving directions to the site. Don’t hesitate to contact us if you have anything to ask before the course:

We are very keen to meet you, welcome!

Organiser: Joel Rosenberg (Syötävämetsä

Venue: Salmenrannan tila, Laitila (Varsinais-Suomi)

Time of event: 10.6.2023 11 am–5pm

Price: 85 € (including lunch)

Teacher: Joel Rosenberg

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