mennessä | 16.10.2023 | in English, Kurssit ja koulutus, Tapahtumat

Tässä poikkeuksellinen mahdollisuus osallistua Permakulttuuriopettajakoulutukseen verkossa!

Do you hold the Permaculture Design Certificate and want to teach permaculture?

The Permaculture Teacher Training (PTT) is an international training offered in English and designed by the internationally-renowned teacher Rosemary Morrow. 

This is the first time the course will be offered online and is a collaboration between Rosemary Morrow, Alfred Decker and their fantastic teaching team, and the Permaculture Association of Britain.

This intensive highly participatory training will provide you with an invaluable toolkit to use in the classroom, as well as life in general. The PTT draws on Rosemary’s four decades of permaculture teaching experience. 

Whether you are already a teacher, or thinking of becoming one, the PTT makes teaching a transformative and fun exchange. Classrooms (indoor and outdoor) will never be the same again!

The course is open for PDC holders in any country. Come join us for an accessible and inspiring online teacher training!

Quotes from Alfred Decker

“I’m excited to be leading the first online version of Rosemary Morrow’s epic Permaculture Teacher Training course in collaboration with the Permaculture Association of Britain.

This course had a huge transformational impact on me when I took it with Rosemary in 2011. I went from thinking “who am I to teach permaculture!” to “who am I not to teach permaculture!”

I’ve taught this course eighteen times since and have seen how empowering the course is for budding permaculture teachers.”

Course info page