PermaPuheet vol.2 & Ihan Pihalla! – Tonie Björneskov – Social permaculture Q&A

mennessä | 29.12.2022 | Arkisto, Tapahtumat

PermaPuheet vol.2 & Ihan Pihalla! - Tonie Björneskov - Social permaculture Q&A

In winter/spring 2022 the Finnish Permaculture Association is organising another series of online lectures and discussion sessions: PermaPuheet vol.2 and Ihan Pihalla!

PermaPuheet are lecture/presentation sessions and the Ihan Pihalla! -events are discussion and Q&A opportunities.

The series is free of charge for association members and all members receive a link to the lectures via email.

Membership is worth it! Join now:

The next session on February 17th is an Ihan Pihalla! Q&A about social permaculture with Tonie Björneskov. Tonie is one of Looby McNamara's students on her Cultural Emergence education programme. She will talk about social permaculture and answer our questions about it. The session will be in English.

Read more about PermaPuheet and Ihan Pihalla! at:…

Suomen Permakulttuuriydistys RY

19.01.2022 – 11:24