Community Learning | Education for Sustainable Community and Its Development

mennessä | 29.12.2022 | Arkisto, Tapahtumat

Community Learning | Education for Sustainable Community and Its Development

Learning Outcomes:
– You will learn to use the 4-level CLIPS model to help develop community projects.
– Learn about the community development resources provided by CLIPS (including CLIPS methods and tools, facilitation, board game, best practices).
– You will learn to apply community development tools to meet the different levels of the CLIPS model.
– You will practice community work with the CLIPS board game.
– Learn about other community projects.
– Get answers to your own questions.

The CLIPS program is based on the experience gained in the European Ecovillage Network, and on the success factors of Community projects. Teachers are Lucilla Borio, Genny Carraro, Riccardo Clemente, Giorgia Lattuca

The price of the training is 80 €.
Registration is binding and the fee is non-refundable

Kurjen ekokyläyhdistys ry

30.06.2021 – 15:55