EUPC Forum 2023 – March 1. to 5.

mennessä | 20.02.2023 | Kurssit ja koulutus, Tapahtumat

The European Permaculture Community Forum is a movement of active permaculture groups across Europe. 

We are running a European-wide forum and we need your help to tell people about it.

This year’s event is March 1st – 5th, online. Our focus is food and the global food system and the solutions we can bring with permaculture!

What’s it all about?

  • 30+ expert speakers from across Europe
  • A diverse range of perspectives on food systems
  • Stories from regenerative farmers, growers and cooperatives
  • Knowledge on growing food at different scales: from balcony to farm
  • Networking with the local and international community
  • Opportunities to participate in live discussions and Q&As
  • Catch up on any missed sessions by watching the recordings after the event 

Share on social media or like & share our posts, Facebook page and a Facebook event, also Instagram.

Share our flyer with any other groups you think might be interested to come take part!

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Mikä ihmeen PTT kurssi?

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