Suomen Permakulttuuriyhdistys järjestää sarjan verkkoluentoja ja -keskusteluja, joihin on helppo ja mukava osallistua kotoa käsin! PermaPuheet -nimellä kulkeva luentosarja jatkuu torstaina 1.4. klo 18 luennolla aiheesta Setting up a LAND center, opettajana toimii Catherine Dolleries. Luento on englanniksi! Luento on avoin kaikille yhdistyksen jäsenille. Jäsenet saavat linkin s-postiinsa ja löytävät sen myös yhdistyksen Slackista.
The Finnish Permaculture Association hosts a series of online lectures and talks, PermaPuheet. The next PermaPuhe is on the 1st of Aptil at 6 pm and it is about Setting up a LAND center and the teacher is Catherine Dolleries. The lecture is in English and open to all members of the association. All members will get the link to their email and find it on Slack also.
Catherine desribes her lecture like this:
LAND stands for Learning, Activities, Network and Demonstration of permaculture and the LAND centres are accredited places where people live and demonstrate the permaculture way. Learn about LAND, how to become a LAND centre and what the LAND network is in this presentation. I will also take you through the roles and responsibilities to make the LAND network thrive, so you can take an active part in it.
Who is Catherine?
Cathrine Dolleris is dedicated to regenerating essential life supporting functions in nature and in society. She started the LAND network in Denmark and has encouraged the LAND network to be established in Norway, Sweden, Finland and Estonia. She is a permaculture diploma tutor, PDC teacher and tutor trainer and part of the board of Permaculture Denmark.
Suomen Permakulttuuriydistys RY
28.03.2021 – 18:01