PermaPuheet vol.2 & Ihan Pihalla! – Wilf Richards – Abundant Earth coop

mennessä | 29.12.2022 | Arkisto, Tapahtumat

PermaPuheet vol.2 & Ihan Pihalla! - Wilf Richards - Abundant Earth coop

In winter/spring 2022 the Finnish Permaculture Association is organising another series of online lectures and discussion sessions: PermaPuheet vol.2 and Ihan Pihalla!

PermaPuheet are lecture/presentation sessions and the Ihan Pihalla! -events are discussion and Q&A opportunities.

The series is free of charge for association members and all members receive a link to the lectures via email. Membership is worth it! Join now:

The next PermaPuhe lecture is about starting and running a COOP and the teacher is Wilf Richards. The lecture will be in English.
Members will receive a link to each evening during Thursday via email, the link can also be found in Slack. If you can't find the link in your e-mail, check the spam! If the message can be found there, move it to the inbox and add the sender to your address book!

Wilf is part of the Abundant Earth workers coop. They produce healthy fresh produce, create beautiful natural craft items and run courses in a range of skills from permaculture to yoga, from basket making to blacksmithing, from bowl turning to non violent communication. They are four skilled and experienced individuals working together as a community with their families and volunteers to manage a smallholding near Durham City.

Read more about PermaPuheet and Ihan Pihalla! at:…

Suomen Permakulttuuriydistys RY

08.01.2022 – 17:52