Permaculture Design Course (PDC) 06. – 19.06.2024

mennessä | 11.03.2024 | Kurssit ja koulutus, Tapahtumat

Join us at Beyond Buckthorns Homestead for our 3rd immersive Summer ’24 Permaculture Design Certificate (PDC) Course in the serene Finnish countryside!

Course Overview

Dive into the world of permaculture with our comprehensive 72-hour PDC, meticulously designed to encompass the full spectrum of permaculture principles. Inspired by Bill Mollison’s seminal ”Designers Manual,” our curriculum adheres to the core standards set by the UK Permaculture Association, ensuring a robust and enriching educational experience.

Eco-Conscious Living

Embrace a sustainable lifestyle during your stay, from camping to composting toilets to biogas. Our commitment to minimizing our carbon footprint extends to our use of renewable energy sources, including solar-powered electricity and solar water heating.

Our Specialty

Beyond Buckthorns is not just a venue; it’s a living example of sustainable homesteading in action – certified by the European Permaculture Network. Led by Dominik Jais, Finland’s renowned DIY biogas pioneer and the country’s sole diploma-tutor with extensive experience in adapting permaculture to the Finnish climate, our course offers unparalleled insight into practical, climate-resilient living.

Learning Outcomes

Our intensive program covers everything from permaculture ethics and principles to hands-on design techniques. You’ll explore key topics such as soil health, water management, renewable energy, and community dynamics, gaining the skills to design and implement food forests, herb spirals, and passive solar heating systems, among other permaculture solutions.

Course Logistics

Duration: 13 days, including a rest day, totaling 72 instructional hours.
Location: Beyond Buckthorns Homestead, Kuisemantie 150, 36660 Laitikkala, Finland.
Lead Instructor: Dominik Jais
Supporting Instructors: Lumia Huhdanpää-Jais, Dan McTiernan, Kalle Nikkanen, Anton Nordqvist
Tuition: €890
Dates: June 6th to June 19th, 2024

Embark on this transformative journey with us and step into the role of a permaculture designer, equipped to foster sustainability in your community and beyond.

More information and registration:

Tapahtuman kieli – Event language: English
Tapahtuman järjestäjä – Organisation: Vihreä Poursmäki ry
Tapahtuman sijainti – Venue: Beyond Buckthorns
Tapahtuma-aika – Time of event: 06.06.2024 – 19.06.2024
Hinta – Price: from 890 €
Opettaja(t) – Teacher(s): Dominik Jais, Lumia Huhdanpää-Jais, Dan McTiernan, Kalle Nikkanen, Anton Nordqvist

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Mikä ihmeen PTT kurssi?

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